Vibha Satish
April 2023

This photo essay explores the lives of a dhobi (washermen/women) community in Veli, Fort Kochi, a historic neighborhood in the port city of Kochi. The dhobis belong to the Tamil vannars, a distinct caste group from parts of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka and have been an integral part of the neighborhood’s fabric, providing laundry services for generations

Through a series of candid photographs, the essay captures the daily routine and challenges faced by the community as they navigate the changing social and economic landscape of their profession.

Fort Kochi???s dhobi community, which has been a part of the city for almost 300 years, is a relatively obscure tourist destination. In the early 1700s, the Dutch army brought individuals from the Vannar community in Tamil Nadu to Kochi in response to the growing demand for laundry services from the Dutch army and settlers who were moving to the port city. This marked the beginning of the Vannars’ history in Kochi.

Although today, there is a substantial decrease in work and the number of families actively involved in this occupation, the community has managed to survive despite the massive innovations in technology and highly competitive markets in the last few decades.

Vibha Satish is pursuing a Master???s Program in Development at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.

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