November 2023
Anekal, Karnataka
This lake named “Panditana Agrahara Kere” is located near Dodda Thimmasandra, Panditana Agrahara, at Anekal, Bangalore District. The lake is approximately 57 acres, surrounded by crop fields; however, the lake’s water is no longer used for irrigation purposes.  Some local woman near the lake mentioned that there was because of “many conflicts that arose from the opening of the channel gate valves of the lake, which is used for aquaculture.”.  One woman also mentioned that before aquaculture practice, this lake was a good resource for freshwater but now domestic animals like cows and buffalo are seriously falling ill after drinking the lake water. This is happening because the lake is highly polluted with chemicals used in aquaculture for better growth of fish, which then end up polluting the water as well as the soil.
Moreover, the farmers depend upon drip irrigation techniques and borewell water even in the rainy season, because the lake’s water is not suitable for irrigation purposes due to pollution and also because the gate valve is not opened to fill the irrigation channels. There are many agricultural activities taking place around the lake including cultivation of green leafy vegetables, mulberry, and roses. In spite of these concerns, the lake still supports a good diversity of birds.
A cultural ritual was held in July when there was an increase in the inflow and groundwater levels.

Kandukuri Neethika is a graduate of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Osmania University and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Development at Azim Premji University, Bangalore. She is interested in working on public health issues and nutrition.

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